Saturday, August 29, 2009


so it's been a few days since i've posted anything sweet or snotty, but unless i find something post-worthy over the weekend, it's going to be a few more. i'm taking a trip to peru, and won't be returning until sept 12, when i'm sure my life will be consumed by job-hunting and football season. so we'll see. until then...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

total eclipse flow chart

via buzzfeed, the most brilliant chart i think i've ever seen. please please please sell a t-shirt.

lemonade movie

i recently lost my job in advertising. but i was so miserable that, despite the fact that i'm bringing in zero money, i'm happier than i've ever been. i have some exciting new prospects for projects that i actually WANT to work on, and i feel as though my vision looking forward is clearer than ever.

that's why i was excited when a friend pointed me to this trailer. notice that not a single person missed their former life. i think showing up at a job 5 days a week (or 6 or 7) is almost the easy way out. when you have to look around and find possibilities and opportunities for yourself, that's when the really good stuff starts happening.

i'm actually going to contact the writer and see if there is a way to get involved. in any case, please enjoy.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


i don't click on banner ads very often. but how do you not click on a healthcare take on appetite for destruction? i certainly don't know.

turns out this is a clever effort by the AFL-CIO to gain support for reform, even a public option. you got me to sign up, fellas. nice work.

silhouette masterpiece theatre

my friend directed me to this awesome website. enjoy.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

no. no. no. no.

argh. nightmares. enough said. part of me doesn't even want to post a picture because it's so disturbing. eeeesh.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

happy birthday, lincoln penny.

fascinating, great trivia about the lincoln penny.

the fiery furnaces' new album

it sounds like some silly avant-garde concept at first, but the fiery furnaces' plan for a silent album is fairly brilliant.

"Since bands can no longer sell audio, FF decline to provide it"

instead, they're basically going to present sheet music for fans and tribute bands to interpret, perform, and record. in this way, they're making their new album completely interpretive, interactive, and viral. ummm.... sounds damn smart to me.

i think it's going to be an interesting experiment. and at the end of the day, every indie band is gonna say, why didn't we think of that?

gawker stole ian shapira's story.

i loved this article in today's washington post.

at first glance, it seems like another "how will newspapers survive in the internet age" sort of story. but i think the point made is valid:

Current law basically allows the Gawkers of the world to appropriate others' work, repurpose it and sell ads against it with no payment to or legal recourse for the company that paid me while I sat through two hours of a generational seminar.

Marburger compared my article and the Gawker posting and concluded: "This is what in our opinion is a huge contributor to the demise of those who are originating news reports. If you don't change the law to stop this, originators of news reports cannot survive."

i don't pick up near the traffic a site like gawker does. at least not yet. but i like to think there is a responsibilty on the part of the blogosphere to give credit where credit is due. but i also think it's interesting how newspapers and aggregators both need each other in order to survive, yet the former is faltering financially while the latter is cleaning up. a good read and thought-starter, for sure.